10/23/24 Health Advisory: Presumed positive human cases of avian influenza in Washington.
Washington State Department of Health is investigating presumed positive human cases of avian influenza in Washington. Healthcare providers should consider avian influenza in patients who present with acute respiratory illness, isolated conjunctivitis, or influenza-like illness (ILI). Assess patients for exposure to animals––especially poultry, cattle, and wildlife, or to people suspected or known to be infected. Current…
06/24/22 Health Advisory: Updated Monkeypox Guidance
Requested actions Immediately report suspected monkeypox cases to Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. Call (253) 649‑1412. Consider submitting a suspect monkeypox intake form to help us determine whether to test for monkeypox. Be aware, recent confirmed cases of monkeypox in the United States differ from the classic monkeypox presentation of previous outbreaks. To date, all United States…
06/22/22 Health Advisory: COVID-19 Vaccine for Children as Young as 6 Months
Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, Health Advisory, Immunizations, News and Alerts, Notifiable Conditions, Provider ResourcesBe aware, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Western States Scientific Safety Review Workgroup concluded COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective for children as young as 6 months. Available to children 6 months to 4 years old: Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, in a 3-dose primary series. Be sure to review dosage and vial labeling…
06/08/22 Health Advisory: Routine childhood immunization rates down
Requested actions Bring your child and adolescent patients’ vaccinations up to date at every opportunity. Contact families who missed well-child visits or childhood vaccinations and ask them to come in for an appointment. Explain to families why it’s important to keep children’s and adolescents’ vaccinations up to date. Review Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s…
05/12/22 Health Advisory: FDA Limits Use of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine.
Advisory or Update, Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, COVID-19, Health Advisory, Provider ResourcesRequested actions Background FDA limited the authorized use of J&J to people age 18 years and older: This decision came after FDA analyzed, evaluated and investigated reported cases of TTS after getting J&J. TTS is rare and includes potentially life-threatening blood clots in combination with low levels of blood platelets. Symptoms typically start 1–2 weeks…
Pertussis Fact Sheet
To report a confirmed or suspect case of pertussis, complete the or call . Overview Pertussis is common and very contagious. It is caused by Bordetella pertussis. The bacteria infect cilia in the upper respiratory tract. Early symptoms are mild, like the common cold. Patients often experience violent coughing fits (paroxysms). These can be followed by…
Hepatitis A Fact Sheet
Overview Transmission: Fecal-oral. Incubation Period: Average 28-30 days (range 15-50 days). Symptoms: Anorexia, vomiting, abdominal pain, fatigue, followed by jaundice. Severity of illness increases with age. Infectious Period: 14 days prior to onset of jaundice to seven days after onset of jaundice. Infants can excrete virus in the stool for longer periods of time. Epidemiology:…
Health Advisory: Zika Testing
Action Requested Know how to order appropriate Zika virus testing through commercial laboratories. Background Because testing for Zika virus is now widely available through commercial laboratories, testing for Zika virus at Washington State Public Health Laboratories is now limited to: Patients for whom cost is a barrier to testing. Infants with possible congenital exposure to…
Hand Hygiene In Healthcare Settings
What is hand hygiene? Hand hygiene refers to the use of hand washing with soap and water or alcohol hand sanitizer (60% alcohol or greater) in order to reduce infection rates, reduce transmission of antimicrobial resistant organisms and stop outbreaks of communicable disease. Why is hand hygiene important? When should I use hand hygiene? How…