09/23/24 Health Advisory: 2024–2025 Respiratory Illness Season Vaccine Recommendations Health Advisory, Immunizations, Provider Resources
04/30/24 Health Advisory: Invasive Serogroup Y Meningococcal Disease Increasing in the United States Health Advisory, Meningococcal, Notifiable Conditions, Provider Resources
02/08/24 Health Advisory: RSV Prevention Updates Health Advisory, News and Alerts, Provider Resources
12/07/23 Health Advisory: Test perinatally exposed children for hepatitis C. Health Advisory, Hepatitis, Provider Resources
11/22/23 Health Advisory: Nirsevimab supplies are short. Advisory or Update, Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, Health Advisory, Provider Resources, Vaccine
Health Officer recommends masking in patient and visitor contact areas of healthcare settings Advisory or Update, Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, Communicable Disease Data Report, COVID-19, Health Advisory, Health Alert, Uncategorized
10/02/23 Health Advisory: 2023–2024 Respiratory Illness Season Advisory or Update, Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, COVID-19, Health Advisory, News and Alerts, News and Update, Notifiable Conditions, Provider Resources
09/20/23 Health Advisory: New COVID-19 Vaccines Authorized, Previous Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccines Deauthorized Advisory or Update, Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, COVID-19, Health Advisory, News and Alerts, Provider Resources
08/21/23 Health Advisory: DOH links listeria outbreak to Frugals restaurant in Pierce County Advisory or Update, Health Advisory, News and Alerts, Provider Resources
07/06/23 Health Advisory: Syphilis Treatment Impacted by Bicillin L-A Shortage Advisory or Update, Health Advisory, HIV & STDs, Notifiable Conditions, Provider Resources